Aire Limpio UVGI irradiation emitters are the most powerful UVC devices on the market to eradicate moulds, viruses, bacteria and odours from air conditioning systems.
These devices emit an ultraviolet germicidal light that penetrates microbes, destroying their DNA and RNA, killing or deactivating them. They also degrade moulds and continuously keep air conditioning systems clean.
This technology ensures that the AHU batteries are always clean.
- The system works with maximum efficiency and without wasting energy.
- Manual cleaning that exposes staff to chemicals is not required.
- The useful life of AHUs is extended and the biofilm is prevented from producing acids that corrode the metal.
- Maintenance costs and downtime are reduced.
This technology achieves various major credits in the following certifications and their relevant categories:
- Feature 6 (Air): Microbe and mould control.
Advantages and benefits of UVGI Ultraviolet Irradiation Emitters
Aire Limpio Air UVGI irradiation emitters offer numerous advantages and benefits that allow any building in which they are installed to improve its Indoor Air Quality, therefore protecting the health of occupants in the following ways:
- Reducing the risk of microbiological contamination.
- Protecting processes, products and machinery from microbiological contamination.
- Making cooling systems more energy efficient.
- Reducing the power consumption of air conditioning systems by between 10% and 20%.
- Cutting maintenance costs of air conditioning systems.
- Promoting savings on chemicals and cutting back on maintenance staff (and no more downtime associated with maintenance).
- Improving and extending the shelf life of food products, therefore making them safer against the risk of infection.
- Using fewer preservatives.
Applications and installation in hospitals
Aire Limpio UVGI irradiation emitters can be installed in operating theatres, intensive care rooms, isolation rooms, emergency rooms, laboratories, extraction ducts, autopsy rooms and cooling towers.
Specific advantages for this type of environment:
- Decrease in the number of nosocomial infections.
- The dispersion of infectious particles is reduced by 99%.
- Contamination is prevented in laboratories, operating theatres and other critical spaces.
- All types of microbe are eradicated without producing any ozone, other gases, fumes or secondary pollution.