Buildings as a preventive barrier against COVID-19
Situations like COVID-19 are not rare occurrences
In the last 17 years, there have been at least 6 outbreaks (including the current one) which have affected the world population (SARS, MERS, Avian Flu, ZIKA and EBOLA).
Measures to prevent spread through aerosols
Highly valuable work can be done to prevent the impact of situations like COVID-19 by improving the indoor environmental conditions of office buildings.
The high likelihood of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 requires airborne exposure to the virus to be controlled. The way in which buildings operate, including their air conditioning and ventilation systems, must be changed.
Pathogens are spread through the air by means of droplets and aerosols which are produced when we talk, cough, breathe, etc.
Gravity causes large droplets to fall and settle on surfaces; however, the smaller droplets remain in the environment and can infect other hosts. Infectious aerosols can spread through the building via air distribution systems.
Infectious aerosols and the most common pollutants can be controlled with continuous and monitored indoor air management.
Air Quality Monitoring System
What is SMoCAI®?
SMoCAI® is an air quality monitoring system based on Cloud software, which uses Big Data analysis, is easy to configure and user-friendly.
It offers continuous real-time measurements of CO2, PM2.5, PM10, TVOCs, temperature and humidity levels, from sensor modules distributed throughout the building by means of wireless connection through an encrypted network.
The SMoCAI® algorithm analyses continuous exposure data for pollutants in the environment and provides an air quality index.
Main functions
SMoCAI® systems make it possible to:
- Know and continuously measure the different variables of indoor air quality (IAQ) of a building.
- Inform administrators and managers about the current or predicted state of IAQ in order to make decisions and take action on the ventilation, air conditioning and air purification systems.
- Offer building users and occupants information about IAQ parameters and a comparison with outdoor air.
- Boast an expert IAQ system.
- Provide annual RITE reviews on IAQ.
Distributed sensors with continuous monitoring
User interface with public display in building
Occupants have mobile access to data
BACnet integration with building
The ecosystem
- Continuous 365-day monitoring
- Distributed monitor system
- Easy and low-cost installation
- Multiple sensors:
TVOCs, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TEMP, RH - Environment and duct housing
- Zigbee wireless connectivity
- Storage
- Database with Big Data Algorithms
- Comparative Big Data algorithms to avoid
false alarms due to absolute comparisons
-> Accumulated Exposure vs Immediate Data
(Main disadvantage of current systems) - Rotating comparison mode Internal + External
IAQ under algorithm.
- Cloud platform
- Web / Mobile Interface
- Public displays for occupants
- Technical displays for operators
- Mobile access with QR code to WebAPP
- Customisable look and feel
- BACnet protocol
- Integration with BMS
(Building Management Systems) - HVAC adjustment possible on demand
Information system for occupants
Display with one or more screens so that the air quality values in the building can be publicly seen by occupants.
Mobile Access
Occupants of the building can scan QR codes with their mobile phone or tablet in order to access the interface and therefore be kept up-to-date at all times.
Data is stored in the cloud to be shown on the graphical interface, thus avoiding data loss.
Minimal installation
All the sensor modules require is a 230VAV power connection. Wireless communication between sensors and hubs. An Ethernet point or 3G SIM card (optional) is enough to connect hubs.
Online monitoring
Data is stored in the cloud to be shown on the graphical interface, thus avoiding data loss.
Online monitoring
Data is stored in the cloud for representation in the graphical interface, thus avoiding data loss.
Multiple platforms
Data can be accessed from any internet browser and the responsive interface can be used on mobile phones, tablets and web devices.
Big data
By means of a Big Data analysis algorithm, the system makes it possible to display continuous data regarding exposure to the different pollutants that are present in the environment and provide an air quality index.
Email alerts can be configured in the event that air quality reaches a level at which action is required.
BMS connectivity
In order to control HVAC systems, the BMS connectivity gateway is integrated into the building system using open standard protocols, This ensures that energy is saved and the building is ventilated properly.
Compliance with standards
The SMoCAI® system enables buildings to comply with Well Building Standard V1 and V2.
What does the scientific community tell us?
La relación entre una mala calidad de aire y la propagación del COVID-19
Hemos observado que un incremento de 1 μg / m³ en PM2.5 está asociado con un aumento del 8% en la tasa de muerte por COVID-19”
Un pequeño aumento en una larga exposición a PM2.5 conlleva un incremento de la tasa de muerte por COVID-19.
Fuente: Xiao Wu et al, Exposure to air pollution and COVID19 mortality, Harvard University 2020
Cómo la mala calidad de aire interior puede aumentar la propagación de los virus
¿Qué datos recopilar?
Recomendados por el Well Building Institute
• PM2.5 < 15 μ / m³
• PM10 < 50 μ / m³
• Monóxido de Carbono (CO) < 9000 ppb
• Dióxido de Nitrógeno (NO2) < 100 ppb
• Ozono (O3) < 51 ppb