Indoor Air Quality for personal health and well-being, as well as improved energy efficiency for buildings
22 Years taking care of the air you breathe
What we have learned over this time has allowed us to position ourselves as pioneers and leaders at the forefront of the market as regards both technology and business, while educating and raising awareness among others about the importance of breathing quality indoor air.
Why is indoor air quality so important?
We are inspired by personal well-being
We promote innovative projects and solutions for companies in various sectors such as hospitals, offices, schools and public buildings in order to improve indoor air quality, with a positive impact on health, sustainability, energy efficiency and productivity.
Featured products
Solutions that improve Indoor Air quality: SIPAP® Active Polarisation, SFEG® Photocatalysis, SIAV® Ventilation, Critical Hospital Environments, UVGI Light, Grease and Odour Treatment, Residential Ventilation and Filtration or Monitoring to improve air quality in buildings, offices and hospitals.